Pulmonology & Sleep Medicine
Germanten Hospitals department of Pulmonology & bleep Medicine provides sophisticated care for respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma, COPD, bronchitis, lung urncer, acute and chronic respiratory failure, interstitial lung diseases, pulmonary hypertension, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pleural disease, occupational lung diseases, allergies and sleep disorders. snoring, advanced lung diseases and more. It also offers round-the-clock emergency care for respiratory failure, pulmonary emboli., pneumothorax, chest injuries and more. The department’s state-of-the-art Pulmonology Function Lab performs advanced studies such as spirornetry, lung volumes, diffusion capacity, respiratory drive, bronchoprovocation testing, allergic this tests, airway resistance and chest. wall compliance. Diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopies are undertaken in the department’s dedicated Bronchoscopy suite with the latest Video Bronchoscope. Germanten Hospitals pulmonologists perform advanced bronchoscopy techniques such as foreign body removal, trans-bronchial lymph node needle aspiration, bronchial stents, electrocautery for endobronchial lesions and endobronchial brachytherapy. Interventional procedures the medical thoracoscopy, pleural drainage and ultrasonography / CT guided lung & pleural biopsy are also done. A fully equipped respiratory ICU with advanced ventilators, BiPAP machines and trained nurses manage critical patients with respiratory failure.